Health and Safety Policy We are committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment
ARCAN is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for all its employees through a comprehensive health and safety program. It is the company policy to provide a first-rate service while taking all reasonable steps to prevent injury to employees, the client, and the public and prevent property damage.
The company complies with WCB, WSCC and O.H.&S., federal, provincial, local and industry safety regulations to achieve this objective. The company cannot meet these goals without full cooperation from all personnel. We also expect all subcontractors to abide by the same high standards we demand of our employees. This cooperation is needed and expected.
Management personnel are responsible for the health and safety of the employees and the provision of safe working conditions. Management shall promote and support the company health and safety program and ensure that all employees are informed of their health and safety expectations.
The company's health and safety program is designed in the best interests of all personnel, subcontractors, visitors and customers. The company believes accident prevention and efficient production go hand in hand. Under no circumstances will safety be compromised in favour of production and accordingly insists on dedicated participation in its requirements.

Safety Officers
Are responsible for the coordination and implementation of the safety program and applicable federal and territorial regulations and Acts.
Project Management
This division is responsible for promoting the safety program on projects and ensuring that supervisors, workers and subcontractors comply with the program.
Each of our Supervisors is responsible and accountable for ensuring safety instruction is provided, and those safe work procedures and regulations are enforced. Supervisors shall ensure a regular inspection of practices and conditions in the area of their control, and those hazards are identified, and prompt corrective action is taken to eliminate them. They must ensure that workers are properly trained to do their jobs safely and comply with applicable rules, regulations and practices. Supervisors shall set a good example by following all safety regulations and promoting all safety activities addressed in the safety program.
Workers and Subcontractors
Shall observe all safety rules and regulations and conduct themselves in a manner that does not endanger themselves or others' wellbeing, or cause property damage. Workers and subcontractors shall report all accidents and injuries immediately and are encouraged to submit recommendations for improved safety measures. Subcontractors shall provide their own appropriate safety equipment where required by all provincial and territorial acts and regulations and shall provide for their own WCB or WSCC coverage.
Visitors shall comply with the company safety program.